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Access Methods: Usage Information, Required Credentials & Legends
Which Method Should I Use?
Interpreting Results - Award/Upgrade Availability
Interpreting Results - Fares
Supported Airlines
Supported Award/Upgrade/Special Booking Classes
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Access Methods: Usage Information, Required Credentials & Legends:
  • Timetables

  • [Timetable]
    • Provides info on: Duration (Per Trip), Airport Terminals, Meals, Distance, Codeshare Operating Flight
    • Default Time: 00:00 (Midnight)
    • Maximum Date Range: 365 Days
    • Automatic Route Construction: Up to 3 connections (4 segments)
    • Sorting Order: Non-Stop/Departure Time
    • To see Direct Flights with Stops as individual connecting segments, set [Limit] to [Exclude C/S] and specify an airline preference.
    • Frequency: 1=Mon, 2=Tue, 3=Wed, 4=Thu, 5=Fri, 6=Sat, 7=Sun
    • Meals: B/CB=Breakfast/Continental, L=Lunch, D=Dinner, M/HM/CM=Meal/Hot/Cold, S=Snack, R=Refreshments, AB=Alcoholic Beverages, FFP/RFP/AFP=Food/Refreshments/Alcoholic Beverages For Purchase

  • [Departures/Arrivals/Route]
    • Shows all Departing/Arriving flights for a specified airport or specific route
    • Date Range: Past 7 Days, Current, Future 4 Days
    • Supports Scheduled, Low Cost, Charter & Cargo Flights
    • Default Time Range: 00:00 - 12:00 (Midnight-Noon)
    • Double-click a Flight Segment to see: Departure Time, Departure Terminal/Gate, Arrival Time, Arrival Terminal/Gate, Aicraft Registration, Flight Status, Operating Flight (if Codeshare)
    • Times: (=) Actual, (~)=Estimated, (*)=Scheduled, G=Gate (if available), R=Runway
    • Carrier Type [CT]: I=Scheduled Passenger/Cargo, A=Scheduled Passenger, J=Non-Scheduled Passenger/Cargo, B=Non-Scheduled Passenger, C=Scheduled Cargo, D=Non-scheduled Cargo, S=Other
    •  For flights departing/arriving after 12:00 (noon), [Time] preference must be specified

  • Award/Upgrade Availability

  •  [Star Alliance]

  • [Awards/NH-StarAlliance]
    • Shows available Awards on all Star Alliance carriers (AC/UA/LH/LX/OS/SK/TP/LO/TK/SN/A3/SQ/NZ/NH/OZ/TG/CA/ZH/BR/SA/MS/ET/CM/AV/TA/LR/AI/OU) + [HO/GA]
    • ANA Mileage Club Card Number and Web Password are required to use this Method:
      [Create ANA Account Now] (Instant Online Enrollment)
    • Provides info on: Duration
    • Date Range: 5-355 Days
      For searches within 0-4 days of departure, use the [Awards/AC-StarAlliance] Method.
    • Automatic Route Construction: Up to 3 connections (4 segments)
    • Does not support the use of some city codes (e.g. MOW must be specified as SVO/DME/VKO).
    • Availability Shown: Per Trip (No Mixed Cabins)
    • Tip: When searching for awards, it's always best to check availability segment-by-segment (e.g. when searching for NYC-PAR, check NYC-LON/NYC-FRA, followed by LON-PAR/FRA-PAR, etc.)
    • Only flights, which have Award Availability (for the requested number of Seats) in at least one Cabin are shown.
    • For flights wholly within Japan, use the [Awards/AC-StarAlliance] Method.
    • Legend:
       Award Type   Availability 
      FS First Award
      CS Business Award
      WS Premium Economy Award (NH)
      YS Economy Award
      + The requested number of seats is available
      @ The requested number of seats is not available - WaitList is Open (NH Flights for NH ANA MC Members only)

    • See also the Award & Other Special Booking Classes Displayed By Airline section below for a detailed description of booking classes.

  • [Awards/AC-StarAlliance] 
    • Shows available Awards on all Star Alliance carriers (AC/UA/LH/LX/OS/SK/TP/LO/TK/SN/A3/SQ/NZ/NH/OZ/TG/CA/ZH/BR/SA/MS/ET/CM/AV/TA/LR/AI/OU) + [EY/EK/GF/HO/VA/OA/AD/G3/JU/MK/UK/QH/XQ/5T/PB]
    • Provides info on: Duration, AE Mileage Required & Award Taxes/Charges
    • Maximum Date Range: 355 Days (330 Days for UA)
    • Automatic Route Construction: Up to 3 connections (4 segments)
    • Availability Shown: Per Segment
    • Only flights, which have Award Availability (for the requested number of Seats) in at least one Cabin are shown.
    • Legend:
       Cabin Type   Award Type   Availability 
      F First
      C Business
      W Premium Economy (AC)
      Y Economy
      S Standard Award
      V Variable/"Standard"/"Low" Award (AC)
      M Medium/"Flex" Award (AC)
      A Additional/"Latitude"/"Flex" Award (AC)

      U Upgrade (AC)
      1-8 Exact number of Award Seats available (Award Availability)
      9 The maximum possible number of Award Seats is available (Award Availability)

      + The requested number of seats is available (Upgrade Availability)
      @ The requested number of seats is not available - WaitList is Open (Upgrade Availability)
      - The requested number of seats is not available (Upgrade Availability)

      Note: Variable/Medium/Additional (CV/CA/WV/WA/YV/YM/YA) Level Classes only apply to AC flights and AC AE redemptions.
      Note: To switch to Upgrade Availability, select the appropriate option under [Airline(s)].
    • See also the Award & Other Special Booking Classes Displayed By Airline section below for a detailed description of Award Booking Classes.

  • [Awards/SQ-StarAlliance]
    • Shows available Awards and Upgrades on [SQ/MI] + [AC/UA/CM/LH/OS/LX/LO/SN/SK/TK/A3/OU/NZ/CA/ZH/BR/TG/NH/SA/MS/ET/TK/AV] + [VA/UK].
    • KrisFlyer Card Number and Password are required to use this Method:
      [Create KrisFlyer Account Now] (Instant Online Enrollment)
    • Provides info on: Duration, SQ KF Mileage Required
    • Maximum Date Range: 355 Days
    • Automatic Route Construction: Up to 1 connection (2 segments)
    • Does not support the use of some city codes (e.g. MOW must be specified as DME).
    • Availability Shown: Per Trip (No Mixed Cabins)
    • Legend:
       Cabin Type   Award Type   Availability 
      F First
      C Business
      W Premium Economy (SQ)
      Y Economy
      S Standard/"Saver" Award
      A Additional/"Advantage" Award
      1-8 Exact number of award seats available
      9 9 or more award seats are available
      @ The requested number of seats is not available - WaitList is Open (SQ/MI Flights for SQ KF Members only)

    • Note: Additional (xA) Level classes only apply to SQ flights in F/C/Y Cabins.
    • See also the Award & Other Special Booking Classes Displayed By Airline section below for a detailed description of booking classes.

  • [Awards/M&M-StarAlliance]
    • Shows available Awards and Upgrades on Star Alliance Lufthansa Group carriers (LX/LH/OS/LO/SN/OU) + [AC/SK/TP/TK/A3/SQ/NZ/NH/TG/CA/ZH/BR/SA/MS/ET/CM/AV/TA] + [DE/EW/EN/LG/KM/OA/UK].
    • Miles & More Card Number/PIN or M&M Travel ID Username/Password are required to use this Method:
      [Create M&M Travel ID Now] (Instant Online Enrollment)
    • Provides info on: Duration, M&M Mileage Required & Award Taxes/Charges
    • Maximum Date Range: 361 Days
    • Automatic Route Construction: Up to 1 connection (2 segments)
    • Availability Shown: Per Trip (Mixed Cabins Possible)
    • Only flights, which have Award Availability (for the requested number of Seats) in at least one [requested] Cabin are shown.
    • For Extended M&M Elite Award Availability, select the [Elite] option (Elite M&M Credentials Required).
    • Legend:
       Award Type   Availability 
      FS First Award/Upgrade
      CS Business Award/Upgrade
      WS Premium Economy Award (LH/OS/LO/SN)
      YS Economy Award
      1-8 Exact number of award seats available
      9 9 or more award seats are available

    • See also the Award & Other Special Booking Classes Displayed By Airline section below for a detailed description of booking classes.

  •  [OneWorld]

  • [Awards/QF-OneWorld]
    • Shows available awards on all OneWorld carriers (QF/BA/AA/CX/KA/JL/MH/IB/AY/RJ/QR/S7/UL/AT) + [AF/KL/MU] + [EK/JQ/LA/3K/GK/VF/AS/EI/FJ/LY/NF/WS]
    • QF FFP Membership Number and PIN are required to use this Method:
      [Create QF FF Account Now] (Instant Online Enrollment)
      [Set-Up QF FF Account Security Questions] (Required)
    • Maximum Date Range: 354 Days (330 Days for AA)
    • Automatic Route Construction: Up to 2 connections (3 segments)
    • Availability Shown: Per Segment (Extrapolated For Connecting Flights)
    • Tip: When searching for awards, it's always best to check availability segment-by-segment (e.g. when searching for LON-MEL, check LON-SYD/LON-SIN, followed by SYD-MEL/SIN-SYD + SYD-MEL, etc.)
    • Only flights, which have Award Availability in at least one Cabin (for the requested number of seats), are shown.
    • If a particular Cabin is not shown, it means that there is no availability (for the requested number of seats) in that Cabin on any of the shown flights.
    • Legend:
       Award Type   Availability 
      FS First Award
      CS Business Award
      WS Premium Economy Award (BA/QF/CX/JL/LA/LY)
      YS Economy Award
      + The requested number of seats is available
      - The requested number of seats is not available
      / Cabin not applicable
      ~ Cabin not supported -- use another Method

    • See also the Award & Other Special Booking Classes Displayed By Airline section below for a detailed description of booking classes.
    • POS Options:
      • AU/US/UK/ES/FI/JP/HK/MY: Forces a specific POS. Most comprehensive OneWorld origin/destination support.
      • Auto-OW: POS is selected automatically, based on the origin city. Faster, but does not support some OneWorld origins/destinations
      • Auto-Multi: POS is selected automatically, based on the origin city. Faster, but does not support some OneWorld origins/destinations

  • [Awards/BA-OneWorld]
    • Shows available awards on all OneWorld carriers (BA/IB/AA/QF/AY/RJ/CX/KA/JL/NU/MH/QR/S7/UL/AT) + [LA/BE]
    • BA EC Membership Number/Username and PIN/Password are required to use this Method:
      [Create BA EC Account Now] (Instant Online Enrollment)
    • Provides info on: Duration
    • Maximum Date Range: 355 Days (330 Days for AA, 6-355 Days for CX/KA)
    • Automatic Route Construction: Up to 1 connection (2 segments)
    • Availability Shown: Per Segment (Extrapolated For Connecting Flights)
    • Provides info on: Duration
    • Tip: When searching for awards in Premium Cabins, it's always best to check availability segment-by-segment (e.g. when searching for NYC-DEL, check NYC-LON, followed by LON-DEL, etc.)
    • Only flights, which have Award Availability in at least one [requested] Cabin are shown.
    • Legend:
       Award Type   Availability 
      FS First Award
      CS Business Award
      WS Premium Economy Award (BA/IB/QF/CX/JL/LA)
      YS Economy Award
      1-8 Exact number of award seats available (Individual Segments)
      9 9 or more award seats are available (Individual Segments)
      + The requested number of seats is available (Connecting Segments)
      - The requested number of seats is not available (Connecting Segments)
      0 No award seats are available (Individual Segments)
      / Cabin not applicable
      ~ Cabin not supported -- use another Method

    • See also the Award & Other Special Booking Classes Displayed By Airline section below for a detailed description of booking classes.

  • [Awards/JL-OneWorld]
    • Shows available awards on all OneWorld carriers (JL/NU/CX/KA/QF/BA/AA/IB/AY/S7/QR/MH/UL/RJ/AT) + [EK/LA/XL/AF/MU/HA/AS/PG/GK/UK].
    • JL Mileage Bank Membership Card Number and Password are required to use this Method:
      Create JL Mileage Bank Account Now (Instant Online Enrollment):
      [Japan] [Americas Region] [Europe/Middle East/Africa Region] [Asia/Oceania Region]
    • Provides info on: Duration, JL MB Mileage Required (JL/NU only)
    • Date Range: 5-360 Days
      For searches within 0-4 days of departure, use the [Awards/BA-OneWorld] / [Awards/QF-OneWorld] Methods.
    • Automatic Route Construction: Up to 2 connections (3 segments)
    • Availability Shown: Per Segment (Per Trip if JL only option is selected)
    • Legend:
       Cabin Type   Award Type   Availability 
      F First
      C Business
      W Premium Economy (JL/BA/IB/LA/UK)
      Y Economy
      S Standard/Base Award
      V Variable/"Award Ticket Plus" Award (JL/NU in C/W/Y Cabins)
      1-8 Exact number of award seats available
      9 9 or more award seats are available
      @ Seats are not available - WaitList is Open (JL F)

    • Note: JL must be selected as Airline for Variable Awards and Waitlist (JL MB Members only).
    • Note: Variable Awards are only available to JL MB Members and cannot be redeemed as OneWorld/Partner awards.
    • See also the Award & Other Special Booking Classes Displayed By Airline section below for a detailed description of booking classes.

  • [Awards/CX-OneWorld]
    • Shows available awards and upgrades on OneWorld carriers (CX/KA/BA/QF/QR/AY/JL/NU/RJ/UL/MH/S7) + LA/AS.
    • CX/Asia Miles/Marco Polo Club Membership Number and Password are required to use this Method:
      [Create CX Membership Account Now] (Instant Online Enrollment)
    • Provides info on: Duration
    • Maximum Date Range: 353 Days
    • Availability Shown: Per Segment
    • Automatic Route Construction: Up to 1 connection (2 segments)
    • Legend:
       Award Type   Availability 
      FS First Award/Upgrade
      CS Business Award/Upgrade
      WS Premium Economy Award/Upgrade (BA/QF/CX/LA)
      YS Economy Award
      1-8 Exact number of award seats available
      9 9 or more award seats are available
      0 No award seats are available available - WaitList is Closed
      - The requested number of seats is not available - WaitList is Closed
      @ The requested number of seats is not available - WaitList is Open (CX/KA Flights for CX AM Members only)
      & The requested number of seats is not available - Married Segments

    • See also the Award & Other Special Booking Classes Displayed By Airline section below for a detailed description of booking classes.

  •  [SkyTeam]

  • [Awards/AF-SkyTeam]
    • Shows available awards on all SkyTeam carriers (AF/KL/DL/AZ/SU/RO/AM/KQ/UX/AR/SV/KE/MU/CI/AE/VN/ME/MF/GA/FM) + [QF/JL/MH] + [VS/G3/CZ/CM/EY] + [SB].
    • Provides info on: Duration, FB Mileage Required & Award Taxes/Charges.
    • Maximum Date Range: 10 Months
    • Automatic Route Construction: Up to 2 connections (3 segments)
    • Availability Shown: Per Trip (No Mixed Cabins)
    • Only flights, which have Award Availability (for the requested number of Seats) in at least one Cabin are shown.
    • Tip: When searching for awards, it's always best to check availability segment-by-segment.

    • Legend:
       Cabin Type   Award Type   Availability 
      F First (AF Elite Only)
      C Business
      W Premium Economy (AF)
      Y Economy
      S Standard/Lowest Award
      V Variable/Non-Lowest Award (AF/KL)
      R Reduced Mileage/Promo Award (AF/KL)
      E Elite Award (AF F)
      X Any Level
      + The requested number of seats is available
      - The requested number of seats is not available
      0 No award seats are available
      / Cabin not applicable
      ~ Cabin not supported -- use another Method

      Note: Variable/Reduced/Elite awards are only available to Flying Blue Members and cannot be redeemed as SkyTeam awards.
    • See also the Award & Other Special Booking Classes Displayed By Airline section below for a detailed description of booking classes.

  • [Awards/DL-SkyTeam]
    • Shows available awards on most SkyTeam members (DL/KL/AF/AZ/RO/AM/AR/KE/MU/CI/FM/MF/AE/ME/VN/SV/GA) + [VS/VA/AS/WS/CZ/HA/LA/XL/4M/LY].
    • Provides info on: Duration, DL SM Mileage Required & Award Taxes/Charges.
    • Maximum Date Range: 331 Days
    • Automatic Route Construction: Up to 2 connections (3 segments)
    • Does not support the use of some city codes (e.g. RIO must be specified as EZE).
    • Availability Shown: Per Segment (Extrapolated For Connecting Flights)
    • Tip: When searching for awards, it's always best to check availability segment-by-segment (e.g. when searching for JFK-SYD, check JFK-LAX, followed by LAX-SYD, etc.)
    • Legend:
       Cabin Type   Award Type   Availability 
      F First
      C Business
      W Premium Economy (DL/VS)
      E Enhanced Economy (DL "C+")
      Y Economy
      S Standard/"Level 1"/"Saver"/"Low" Award
      L Medium-Low/"Level 2" Award
      M Medium/"Level 3"/SM "Standard" Award
      H Medium-High/"Level 4" Award
      A Additional/"Level 5"/"Peak"/"High" Award
      R Reduced/"Economy Basic" Award
      X Any Level
      1-8 Exact number of award seats available (Individual Segments)
      1-8 Number of award seats available on all Segments (Connecting Segments)
      9 The maximum possible number of award seats is available

      Note: Reduced, Medium-Low, Medium, Medium-High, High (YR/YL/YM/YH/YA/CL/CM/CH/CA/FL/FM/FH/FA) Level classes only apply to DL flights.
      Note: Reduced, Medium-Low, Medium, Medium-High, High awards are only available to DL SM members and cannot be redeemed as SkyTeam awards.
    • See also the Award & Other Special Booking Classes Displayed By Airline section below for a detailed description of Award Booking Classes.

  •  [Multi-Alliance]

  • [Awards/AS-MultiAlliance]
    • Shows available awards on [AS] + OneWorld carriers (AA/BA/QF/JL/QR) + SkyTeam carriers (KE) + [EK/HU/FJ/FI/DE/JX].
    • Provides info on: Duration, AS MP Mileage Required & Award Taxes/Charges.
    • Maximum Date Range: 331 Days
    • Automatic Route Construction: Up to 4 connections (5 segments)
      Note: Same-Carrier connections and AS to Single Carrier connections only.
    • Availability Shown: Per Segment (Extrapolated For Connecting Flights)
    • Only flights, which have Award Availability (for the requested number of Seats) in at least one Cabin are shown.
    • Tip: When searching for awards, it's always best to check availability segment-by-segment.

    • Legend:
       Cabin Type   Award Type   Availability 
      F First
      C Business
      W Premium Economy (BA/QF/JL/DE)
      Y Economy
      S Standard/"Non-Refundable" (Lowest) Award
      M Medium Award (FI/DE)
      A Additional/"Refundable" Award (FI/DE/LA)
      V Variable Award (AS)
      X Any Level
      + The requested number of seats is available
      - The requested number of seats is not available
      / Cabin not applicable
      ~ Cabin not supported -- use another Method

      Note: If award level is reported as Any (FX/YX) or Variable (FV/YV) Level, click the segment and refer to the info line in the bottom Status Bar (or activate the [Info] Mode) and then cross-reference the mileage level required (AS MP) with the AS MP Award Charts to determine the actual award type.
    • See also the Award & Other Special Booking Classes Displayed By Airline section below for a detailed description of booking classes.

  • [Awards/EY-MultiAlliance]
    • Shows available Awards on [EY] + Star Alliance carriers (AC/NZ/OZ/SQ/SK) + OneWorld carriers (AA/MH/AT/UL) + SkyTeam carriers (UX/BR/KE/GA/SV) + [JU/VA/WY/GF/LY].
    • Provides info on: Duration, EY GST Mileage Required & Award Taxes/Charges.
    • Maximum Date Range: 335 Days
    • Automatic Route Construction: Up to 3 connections (4 segments)
    • Availability Shown: Per Segment
    • Does not support the use of City Codes (e.g. NYC should be entered as JFK or LGA)
    • Legend:
       Cabin Type   Award Type   Availability 
      F First
      C Business
      Y Economy
      S Standard/"Guest Seat" Award
      L Medium-Low/"Value" Award (EY)
      M Medium/"Choice" Award (EY)
      A Additional/"Choice Plus" Award (EY)
      1-8 Exact number of award seats available
      9 9 or more award seats are available
      0 No award seats are available
      - The requested number of award seats is not available

    • See also the Award & Other Special Booking Classes Displayed By Airline section below for a detailed description of booking classes.

  •  [Non-Alliance]

  • [Awards/VS]
    • Shows available Awards and Upgrades on [VS] + [DL/AF/KL].
    • Provides info on: Duration, VS FC Mileage Required & Award Taxes/Charges.
    • Maximum Date Range: 331 Days
    • Automatic Route Construction: Up to 1 connection (2 segments)
    • Availability Shown: Per Segment (Extrapolated For Connecting Flights; No Mixed Cabin Trips)
    • Only flights, which have Award Availability (for the requested number of Seats) in at least one [requested] Cabin are shown.
    • Legend:
       Award Type   Availability 
      FS First Award (DL)
      CS Business ("Upper Class") Award
      WS Premium Economy Award (VS/DL)
      YS Economy Award
      1-8 Exact number of award seats available (Individual Segments)
      1-8 Number of award seats available on all Segments (Connecting Segments)
      9 The maximum possible number of award seats is available

    • See also the Award & Other Special Booking Classes Displayed By Airline section below for a detailed description of booking classes.

  • Fares

  • [Fares/UNAP] 
    • Fare displayed based on actual trips being priced on the requested departure and return dates.
    • Multi-currency fare conversions: Exact.
    • Shows key Fare information in the main view (Baggage Allowance, Booking Class, Cabin Class, Surcharges).

Which Availability Method should I use?

For Award/Upgrade Availability and other special Booking Classes, please refer to the Award/Upgrade Booking Classes Table.

Interpreting Results - Award Availability
Carrier   Flight From   Depart    To     Arrive    A/C  St Award Availability      
--------- ------ ------ --------- ------ --------- ---- -- ------------------      
BA        117    LHR/5  08:20     JFK/8  11:10     744  0  FS+  CS+  WS/  YS-      

 Column   Description 
Carrier Airline Code (IATA)
Optionally followed by a "/" and the Operating Airline Code for Pseudo-Codeshare flights.
-> Indicates a flight connection.
Flight Flight Number
From Departure Airport Code (IATA)
Optionally followed by a "/" and the Departure Terminal.
Depart Departure Time (Local):
+1 = Next Day
+2 = Two Days later
-1 = Previous Day
To Arrival Airport Code (IATA)
Optionally followed by a "/" and the Arrival Terminal.
Arrive Arrival Time (Local):
+1 = Next Day
+2 = Two Days later
-1 = Previous Day
A/C Aircraft Type Code (IATA)
St Number of intermediate Stops:
0 = Non-Stop
1+ = One or more Stops
A blank value indicates that the selected Method does not provide this information.
  • Letters (e.g. FS CS WS YS) signify Award Cabin & Award Type:

     Cabin Type 
     (1st Letter) 
     Award Type 
     (2nd Letter) 
    F First
    C Business
    W Premium Economy
    E Enhanced Economy
    Y Economy
    S Standard Award
    A Additional Award
    M Medium Award
    H Medium-High Award
    L Medium-Low Award
    R Reduced Award
    E Elite Award
    V Variable Award

    See the Award & Other Special Booking Classes Displayed By Airline section below for a detailed description of Award Booking Classes for each specific airline.
    See the Award Types section below for a detailed description of different types of Awards.

  • Characters or Numbers that follow (e.g. + - /) signify Availability Status:

     Award/Upgrade Availability Status   Meaning   Next Step 
    + The requested number of seats is available
    - The requested number of seats is not available
    / Cabin Not Applicable
    @ The requested number of seats is not available, WaitList is Open
    & The requested number of seats is not available due to Married Segments
    ~ Restricted/Unsupported Use a different Method

     Numeric Award Availability Status   Meaning 
    0 No Award Seats are available
    1-8 A specific number of Award Seats is available
    9* 9* or more Award Seats are available
    Note: Depending on the Airline, Cabin and the GDS System used, the maximum number can be one of the following: 9, 7 or 4.

Interpreting Results - Fares
Carrier    Base     YQ/YR    Total     Baggage  Basis     BC   CC  Fare Brand      
---------  -------  -------  --------  -------  --------  ---  --  --------------      
BA            1612     1338     3253   02 PC    INX6A7S5  I    C   Business Promo      

 Column   Description 
Carrier Airline Code (Filing/Plating Carrier)
Base Base Fare Amount (includes any Q-type Surcharges)
YQ/YR YQ/YR Surcharges
Total Total (Base + YQ/YR Surcharges + Taxes)
Baggage Baggage Allowance
Basis Fare Basis Code
BC Booking Class Code
CC Cabin Class Code:
Y Economy
W Premium Economy
C Business
F First

Fare Brand Fare Brand Name

Supported Airlines and Award/Other Special Booking Classes:
Airlines Supported in KVS Tool:

  • Timetables, Seat Maps, Fares:

    Supported Airlines (Partial List)
    Total Airlines Supported: 500+

Award, Upgrade & Other Special Booking Classes Supported in KVS Tool:

 Award Availability Overview   Member Airlines Supported   Coverage 
Star Alliance 28+1 100%
OneWorld 14 100%
SkyTeam 19 100%
Non-Alliance 56+  
Total:    118+  

 Star Alliance Award/Upgrade Booking Classes

 Airline   Standard Award Booking Classes   Upgrade/Special Booking Classes   KVS Tool Method(s) To Use   Notes / Links 
AC     Air Canada I/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
CV Business Variable/"Low" Award*
WV->N Premium Economy Variable/"Low" Award*
YV Economy Variable/"Standard" Award*

YM Economy Medium/"Flex" Award*

CA Business Additional/"Latitude" Award*
WA Premium Economy Additional/"Flex" Award*
YA Economy Additional/"Flex" Award*

CU->R Business Upgrade - AC AE*
I/CS Business Upgrade - Star Alliance
WU->N Premium Economy Upgrade - AC AE*
Standard (KVS Tool) = "Classic" (AC AE).

FlyerTalk Thread
UA UAL I/CS Business/"First" Award
ON Premium Economy Award
X/YS Economy Award
I/CS Business/"First" Upgrade - Star Alliance
Standard (KVS Tool) = "Saver" (UA MP).

FlyerTalk Thread
LH Lufthansa German Airlines O/FS First Award
I/CS Business Award
R/WS Premium Economy Award*
X/YS Economy Award
O/FS First Upgrade
I/CS Business Upgrade
R/WS Premium Economy Upgrade*
[Awards/AC-StarAlliance] Method is the most authoritative for Star Alliance partner redemptions on LH.
OS Austrian Airlines I/CS Business Award
R/WS Premium Economy Award*
X/YS Economy Award
I/CS Business Upgrade
R/WS Premium Economy Upgrade*
LX Swiss Intl Air Lines I/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
O/FS First Elite Award!

O/FS First Elite Upgrade!
I/CS Business Upgrade
[Awards/AC-StarAlliance] Method is the most authoritative for Star Alliance partner redemptions on LX.

! Only reedemable for M&M Elite Members and only via telephone (No Standard Awards in First Class).
SK SAS Scandinavian Airlines I/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
I/CS Business Upgrade [Awards/AC-StarAlliance]
TP TAP Air Portugal I/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
I/CS Business Upgrade [Awards/AC-StarAlliance]
LO LOT Polish Airlines I/CS Business Award
J/WS Premium Economy Award*
X/YS Economy Award
I/CS Business Upgrade
J/WS Premium Economy Upgrade*
TK Turkish Airlines I/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
J Business Upgrade* [Awards/AC-StarAlliance]
[Mobile Companion]*
FFP Website
SN Brussels Airlines I/CS Business Award
R/WS Premium Economy Award*
X/YS Economy Award
I/CS Business Upgrade
R/WS Premium Economy Upgrade*
A3 Aegean Airlines I/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
I/CS Business Upgrade [Awards/AC-StarAlliance]
SQ Singapore Airlines O/FS First Award
I/CS Business Award
P/WS Premium Economy Award*
X/YS Economy Award
A/FA First Additional Award*
D/CA Business Additional Award*
B/YA Economy Additional Award*

O/FS First Upgrade
I/CS Business Upgrade
P/WS Premium Economy Upgrade*
Standard (KVS Tool) = "Saver" (SQ KF).
Additional (KVS Tool) = "Advantage" (SQ KF).

For 380/77W/345 C/F redemptions on Short-Haul routes, use [Awards/AC-StarAlliance] (Partner Redemptions) or [Awards/SQ-StarAlliance] (SQ KF Redemptions).

For 380/77W/345 C/F redemptions on Long-Haul routes, use [Awards/SQ-StarAlliance] (SQ KF Redemptions); Partner Awards are not permitted.
NZ Air New Zealand I/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
Z Business Upgrade - NZ AP*
I/CS Business Upgrade - Star Alliance
A Premium Economy Upgrade*
[Mobile Companion]*
NH ANA/All-Nippon Airways O/FS First Award
I/CS Business Award
R/WS Premium Economy Award*
X/YS Economy Award
O/FS First Upgrade
I/CS Business Upgrade
R/WS Premium Economy Upgrade*
OZ Asiana Airlines O/FS First Award
I/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
O/FS First Upgrade
I/CS Business Upgrade
TG Thai Airways Intl O/FS First Award
I/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
O/FS First Upgrade
I/CS Business Upgrade

P Elite First Upgrade*
J Elite Business Upgrade*
U Elite Premium Economy Upgrade*
[Mobile Companion]*
SA South African Airways O/FS First Award
I/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
O/FS First Upgrade
I/CS Business Upgrade - Star Alliance
MS Egyptair O/FS First Award
I/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
O/FS First Upgrade
I/CS Business Upgrade
CA Air China O/FS First Award
I/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
O/FS First Upgrade
I/CS Business Upgrade
ZH Shenzhen Airlines O/FS First Award
I/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
O/FS First Upgrade
I/CS Business Upgrade
BR EVA Air I/CS Business Award
? Premium Economy Award
X/YS Economy Award
I/CS Business Upgrade - Star Alliance
-> Z  
ET Ethiopian Airlines I/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
I/CS Business Upgrade [Awards/AC-StarAlliance]
CM Copa Airlines I/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
I/CS Business Upgrade [Awards/NH-StarAlliance]
AV Avianca I/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
I/CS Business Upgrade [Awards/AC-StarAlliance]
FlyerTalk Thread
TA Avianca El Salvador I/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
I/CS Business Upgrade [Awards/AC-StarAlliance]
LR Avianca Costa Rica X/YS Economy Award   [Awards/AC-StarAlliance]
AI Air India O/FS First Award
I/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
O/FS First Upgrade
I/CS Business Upgrade
 Alert: AI System Issues (Dec 2018)
OU Croatia Airlines I/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
I/CS Business Upgrade [Awards/AC-StarAlliance]
HO Juneyao Airlines FS First Award
CS Business Award
YS Economy Award
Star Alliance Connecting Partner

 OneWorld Award/Upgrade Booking Classes

 Airline   Standard Award Booking Classes   Upgrade/Special Booking Classes   KVS Tool Method(s) To Use   Notes / Links 
QF   Qantas Airways P/FS First Award
U/CS Business Award
Z/WS Premium Economy Award
X/YS Economy Award
P/FS First Upgrade
U/CS Business Upgrade
Z/WS Premium Economy Upgrade
FlyerTalk Thread
BA British Airways Z/FS First Award
U/CS Business Award
P/WS Premium Economy Award
X/YS Economy Award
V Elite Economy Award*

Z/FS First Upgrade
U/CS Business Upgrade
P/WS Premium Economy Upgrade

A First Upgrade - GUF Via TA*
I Business Upgrade - GUF Via TA*
T Premium Economy Upgrade - GUF Via TA*
[Mobile Companion]*
Booking Classes
FlyerTalk Thread

@ Searches from/to US/CA only.
AA American Airlines Z/FS First Award
U/CS Business/"First" Award
X/WS Premium Economy Award*
T/YS Economy Award
F First Additional Award*
J Business/"First" Additional Award*
W Premium Economy Additional Award*
Y Economy Additional Award*

A First Upgrade - AA ADV SWU/Mileage*
[Mobile Companion]*
Standard (KVS Tool) = "MileSAAver" (AA AADV).
Additional (KVS Tool) = "AAnytime" (AA AADV).

Booking Classes
FlyerTalk Thread

[Awards/JL-OneWorld] Method is the most authoritative for Award Availability on AA.
AY Finnair U/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
IB Iberia U/CS Business Award
P/WS Premium Economy Award*
X/YS Economy Award
CX Cathay Pacific Z/FS First Award
U/CS Business Award
T/WS Premium Economy Award*
X/YS Economy Award
Z/FS First Upgrade
U/CS Business Upgrade
T/WS Premium Economy Upgrade*
FlyerTalk Thread

[Awards/JL-OneWorld] Method is the most authoritative for OneWorld partner redemptions on CX.
KA Cathay Dragon Z/FS First Award
U/CS Business Award
T/YS Economy Award
Z/FS First Upgrade
U/CS Business Upgrade
FlyerTalk Thread

[Awards/JL-OneWorld] Method is the most authoritative for OneWorld partner redemptions on KA.
JL JAL Japan Airlines A/FS First Award
U/D/CS Business Award
P/WS Premium Economy Award
T/S/YS Economy Award
CV Business Variable Award*
WV Preimum Economy Variable Award*
YV Economy Variable Award*
Standard (KVS Tool) = "Base Miles" (JL MB)
Variable (KVS Tool) = "Ticket Plus" (JL MB)

No Awards in First Class on intra-JP domestic flights

@ Searches from/to US/CA only.
NU Japan Transocean Air YS Economy Award YV Economy Variable Award*
Standard (KVS Tool) = "Base Miles" (JL MB)
Variable (KVS Tool) = "Ticket Plus" (JL MB)

No Awards in Business Class
MH Malaysia Airlines U/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
D Business MH MAS "Level 1" Award*
L/V/S Economy MH MAS "Level 1" Award*

A First MH MAS "Level 2" Award*
C Business MH MAS "Level 2" Award*
K/M Economy MH MAS "Level 2" Award*

F First MH MAS "Level 3" Award*
J Business MH MAS "Level 3" Award*
Y/B/H Economy MH MAS "Level 3" Award*

A First Upgrade*
I Business Upgrade*
[Mobile Companion]*
No Standard Awards in First Class

FFP Website
RJ Royal Jordanian U/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
QR Qatar Airways Z/FS First Award
U/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
Z/FS First Upgrade
U/CS Business Upgrade
Standard (KVS Tool) = "1x" (QR QM).
UL Sri Lankan Airlines U/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
D Business Upgrade* [Awards/QF-OneWorld]
[Mobile Companion]*
AT Royal Air Maroc U/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
U/CS Business Upgrade [Awards/JL-OneWorld]
FFP Website
S7 S7/Siberia Airlines U/CS Business Award
E/YS Economy Award
J Business Additional Award*
Y Economy Additional Award*

U/CS Business Upgrade
(OneWorld Membership
Standard (KVS Tool) = "Optimum" (S7 Priority).
Additional (KVS Tool) = "Priority" (S7 Priority).

 SkyTeam Award/Upgrade Booking Classes

 Airline   Standard Award Booking Classes   Upgrade/Special Booking Classes   KVS Tool Method(s) To Use   Notes / Links 
DL     DAL O/CS Business/"First" Award
SW/WS Premium Economy Award*
SN/ES Enhanced Economy ("C+") Award*
N/YS Economy Award
NE/YR Economy Reduced Award*

OI/CL Business/"First" Medium-Low Award*
NL/YL Economy Medium-Low Award*

OD/CM Business/"First" Medium Award*
NH/YM Economy Medium Award*

OC/CH Business/"First" Medium-High Award*
NM/YH Economy Medium-High Award*

OJ/CA Business/"First" Additional Award*
NY/YA Economy Additional Award*

WX Premium Economy Award - Any Level*
EX Enhanced Economy ("C+") Award - Any Level*

O/CS Business/"First" Upgrade - SkyTeam
Standard Awards (KVS Tool) = "Level 1"/"Saver"/"Low" Awards (DL SM).
Reduced Awards (KVS Tool) = "Economy Basic" Awards (DL SM).
Medium-Low Awards (KVS Tool) = "Level 2" Awards (DL SM).
Medium Awards (KVS Tool) = "Level 3"/"Standard" Awards (DL SM).
Medium-High Awards (KVS Tool) = "Level 4" Awards (DL SM).
High Awards (KVS Tool) = "Level 5"/"Peak"/"High" Awards (DL SM).
AF Air France O/CS Business Award
A/WS Premium Economy Award*
X/YS Economy Award
CR Business Reduced Award*
WR Premium Economy Reduced Award*
YR Economy Reduced Award*

CV Business Variable Award*
WV Preimum Economy Variable Award*
YV Economy Variable Award*

FE First Elite Award*#
FV First Elite Variable Award*#

FX First Award - Any Level
CX Business Award - Any Level
WX Premium Economy Award - Any Level
YX Economy Award - Any Level

F First Upgrade**
O/CS Business Upgrade
A/WS Premium Economy Upgrade*
[Mobile Companion]**
Standard (KVS Tool) = Lowest (AF/KL FB)
Reduced (KVS Tool) = "Promo" (AF/KL FB)
Variable (KVS Tool) = Non-Lowest (AF/KL FB)

# Elite FB Credentials Required;
# Elite & First options must be selected

No Standard Awards in First Class
FlyerTalk Thread
KL KLM Royal Dutch Airlines O/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
CR Business Reduced Award*
YR Economy Reduced Award*

CV Business Variable Award*
YV Economy Variable Award*

CX Business Award - Any Level
YX Economy Award - Any Level

O/CS Business Upgrade FB From B/M Class & SkyTeam
Z Business Upgrade FB From Y Class / SWU**
[Mobile Companion]**
Standard (KVS Tool) = Lowest (AF/KL FB)
Reduced (KVS Tool) = "Promo" (AF/KL FB)
Variable (KVS Tool) = Non-Lowest (AF/KL FB)

FlyerTalk Thread
AZ ITA Airways Z/CS Business Award
U/YS Economy Award
A Premium Economy Award*

I Business Upgrade*
[Mobile Companion]*
SkyTeam award redemption integration is pending.
RO TAROM Romanian Air Transport O/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
UX Air Europa O/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
O/CS Business Upgrade
AM AeroMexico O/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
O/CS Business Upgrade [Awards/AF-SkyTeam]
KQ Kenya Airways O/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
O/CS Business Upgrade [Awards/AF-SkyTeam]
KE Korean Air Lines A First Award*
O/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
A First Upgrade*
Z Business Upgrade*
[Mobile Companion]*
@ Searches from/to US/CA only.
MU China Eastern Airlines A First Award*
O/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
O/CS Business Upgrade - SkyTeam [Awards/AF-SkyTeam]
[Mobile Companion]*
FFP Website
FM Shanghai Airlines A First Award*
O/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
[Mobile Companion]*
FFP Website
CI China Airlines A First Award*
O/CS Business/Premium Economy Award
X/YS Economy Award
A First Upgrade*
I Business Upgrade - SkyTeam*
[Mobile Companion]*
AE Mandarin Airlines O/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
VN Vietnam Airlines O/CS Business Award
U Premium Economy Award*
X/YS Economy Award
[Mobile Companion]*
FFP Website/SkyTeam Award Booking Classes
MF Xiamen Airlines F First Award*
O/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
[Mobile Companion]*
SV Saudia/Saudi Arabian Airlines A First Award*
O/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
L Economy Award* - SV ALF Members

M Economy Additional Award*

A First Upgrade*
O/CS Business Upgrade - SV ALF
D Business Upgrade - SkyTeam*
[Mobile Companion]*
Standard (KVS Tool) = "Saver Value" (SV ALF).
Additional (KVS Tool) = "Guest Value" (SV ALF).
ME MEA Middle East Airlines O/CS Business Award
W/YS Economy Award
O/CS Business Upgrade [Awards/AF-SkyTeam]
AR Aerolineas Argentinas O/CS Business Award
Z Premium Economy Award*
X/YS Economy Award
T Economy Additional Award* [Awards/AF-SkyTeam]
[Mobile Companion]*
Standard (KVS Tool) = "Promotional" (AR ALP)
Additional (KVS Tool) = "Tourist Class" (AA AADV).

FFP Website
GA Garuda Indonesia O/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
O/CS Business Upgrade [Awards/AF-SkyTeam]
SU Aeroflot Russian Airlines O/CS Business Award
F Premium Economy Award*
X/YS Economy Award
J Elite Business Additional Award*
Y Elite Economy Additional Award*

O/CS Business Upgrade
(SkyTeam Membership
FlyerTalk Thread

 Non-Alliance Award/Upgrade Booking Classes

 Airline   Standard Award Booking Classes   Upgrade/Special Booking Classes   KVS Tool Method(s) To Use   Notes / Links 
EY     Etihad Airways O/FS First Award*
I/CS Business Award
N/YS Economy Award
CL Business Medium-Low Award*
YL Economy Medium-Low Award*

CM Business" Medium Award*
YM Economy Medium Award*

CA Business Additional Award*
YA Economy Additional Award*

O/FS First Upgrade*
I/CS Business Upgrade
Standard Awards (KVS Tool) = "Guest Seat" Awards (EY GST).
Medium-Low Awards (KVS Tool) = "Value" Awards (EY GST).
Medium Awards (KVS Tool) = "Choice" Awards (EY GST).
High Awards (KVS Tool) = "Choice Plus" Awards (EY GST).
VS Virgin Atlantic Airways G/CS Business Award
P/WS Premium Economy Award*
T/YS Economy Award
G/CS Business Upgrade
P/WS Premium Economy Upgrade*
FlyerTalk Thread
VA Virgin Australia Z/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
EK Emirates Z/FS First Award
D/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
A First Additional Award*
O Business Additional Award*
W Economy Additional Award*

Z/FS First Upgrade
D/CS Business Upgrade
[Mobile Companion]*
No Standard Premium Economy Awards.

Standard (KVS Tool) = "Guest" (EY GST).
Additional (KVS Tool) = "Flex" (EY GST).

@ Searches from/to US/CA only.
LA LATAM Airlines U/CS Business Award
R/WS Premium Economy Award
T/YS Economy Award
U/CS Business Upgrade
R/WS Premium Economy Upgrade
@ Searches from/to US only.
XL LATAM Airlines Ecuador R/WS Premium Economy Award
T/YS Economy Award
R/WS Premium Economy Upgrade [Awards/JL-OneWorld]
4M LATAM Airlines Argentina U/CS Business Award
T/YS Economy Award
U/CS Business Upgrade [Awards/DL-SkyTeam]
JQ Jetstar Airways CS Business Award
YS Economy Award
3K Jetstar Asia Airways YS Economy Award   [Awards/QF-OneWorld]  
GK Jetstar Japan YS Economy Award   [Awards/QF-OneWorld]
@ Searches within JP only.
VF Valuair YS Economy Award   [Awards/QF-OneWorld]  
G3 GOL Linhas Aereas I/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
FlyerTalk Thread
AD Azul Brazilian Airlines Z/YS Economy Award   [Awards/AC-StarAlliance]
[Mobile Companion]
LY El Al Israel Airlines X/CS Business Award
A/WS Premium Economy Award*
E/YS Economy Award
@ Until 30 Jun 2024
EI Aer Lingus U/CS Business Award
T/YS Economy Award
U/CS Business Upgrade [Awards/QF-OneWorld]  
DE Condor Flugdienst CS Business Award*
WS Premium Economy Award*
YS Economy Award
YM Economy Medium Award*
YA Economy High Award*
@ Searches from/to US/CA only.
EW Eurowings P/CS Business Award
U/YS Economy Award
  [Awards/M&M-StarAlliance] Economy Award = EW "Smart"
Business Award = EW "Best"
EN Air Dolomiti CS Business Award
YS Economy Award
FJ Fiji Airways U/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
HA Hawaiian Airlines D/FS/CS First/Business Award
T/YS Economy Award
P First/Business Additional Award*

P First/Business Upgrade*
[Mobile Companion]*
Additional (KVS Tool) = "Flex" (HA HAM).
TN Air Tahiti Nui F Business Award
U Economy Award
Z Business Upgrade [Mobile Companion]
*QF/TN codeshares only.
AS Alaska Airlines A/FS/CS First Award
W/YS Economy Award
FV First Variable Award*
YV Economy Variable Award*

U First Upgrade**

FX First Award - Any Level*
YX Economy Award - Any Level*
[Mobile Companion]**
Standard (KVS Tool) = "Non-Refundable" (Lowest) (AS MP).
Variable (KVS Tool) = "Refundable" (AS MP).

FlyerTalk Thread

@ Y only.
NF Air Vanuatu YS Economy Award [Awards/QF-OneWorld]
PX Air Niugini CS Business Award
YS Economy Award
FI Icelandair Z/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
YM Economy Medium Award
YA Economy High Award

Z/CS Business Upgrade
[Awards/AS-MultiAlliance]@ @ Searches between US/CA and Iceland/Europe only.
LG Luxair D/CS Business Award
T/YS Economy Award
[Mobile Companion]
JU Air Serbia I/CS Business Award
N/YS Economy Award
MI SilkAir I/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
I/CS Business Upgrade [Awards/SQ-StarAlliance] Standard (KVS Tool) = "Saver" (SQ KF).
HU Hainan Airlines P/FS First Award
J/CS Business Award
S/YS Economy Award
[Awards/AS-MultiAlliance]@ @ Searches from/to US only.
CZ China Southern Airlines F First Award*
O/CS Business Award
S Premium Economy Award*
X/YS Economy Award
F First Upgrade*
O/CS Business Upgrade
S Premium Economy Upgrade*
[Mobile Companion]*
SB Aircalin O/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
  [Awards/AF-SkyTeam] FlyerTalk Thread
KM Air Malta Z/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
  [Mobile Companion]
GF Gulf Air Company P/CS Business Award
T/YS Economy Award
[Mobile Companion]
No Awards in First Class
GF Gulf Air Company CS Business Award
YS Economy Award
WY Oman Air CS Business Award
YS Economy Award
MK Air Mauritius I/CS Business Award
X/YS Economy Award
[Mobile Companion]
OA Olympic Air CS Business Award
YS Economy Award
CS Business Upgrade [Awards/AC-StarAlliance]
PG Bangkok Airways CS Business Award
YS Economy Award
UK Vistara I/CS Business Award
U/WS Premium Economy Award
X/YS Economy Award
WS WestJet ? Business Award
? Premium Economy Award
V/YS Economy Award
TL AirNorth Regional YS Economy Award [Awards/QF-OneWorld]  
5T Canadian North W/YS Economy Award [Awards/AC-StarAlliance]
[Mobile Companion]
JX STARLUX Airlines CS Business Award
YS Economy Award
QH Bamboo Airways CS Business Award
YS Economy Award
XQ SunExpress YS Economy Award [Awards/AC-StarAlliance]  
PB PAL Airlines YS Economy Award [Awards/AC-StarAlliance]  
HM Air Seychelles Z Business Award
X Economy Award
  [Mobile Companion]
F9 Frontier Airlines S Economy Award   [Mobile Companion]
PR Philippine Airlines   X Economy Additional Award

Z Business Upgrade
[Mobile Companion] Additional (KVS Tool) = "Flexiflyer" (PR MBHM).
CN Grand China Air S Economy Award [Mobile Companion]  
8L Lucky Air P First Award
S Economy Award
[Mobile Companion]  
JD Beijing Capital Airlines P First Award
S Economy Award
[Mobile Companion]  
HX Hong Kong Airlines Z First Award
R Economy Award
[Mobile Companion]  
UO HK Express R Economy Award [Mobile Companion]  
XK Air Corsica X Economy Award   [Mobile Companion] FlyerTalk Thread
KU Kuwait Airways A First Award
C Business Award
  [Mobile Companion]  

Additional Features:
  • Power Search (Multi-Day Availability Search) 
    • Power Search can be used to locate Award or Upgrade Availability across a multiple date range.
    • The maximum date range is 31-210 days (depending on the Weekday(s) selected) for all Methods.
    • To use Power Search:
      • Goto the [Filter] Tab and set your Filter criteria (for example, "Availability Required in Classes FS/CS").
      • Return to the [Awards/Upgrades] Tab.
      • Click the [Power Search] () button, select the desired date range, and click the [Start] button.
      • The Tool will initiate a series of searches across the requested date range until at least one flight matching the [Filter] criteria is found.
      • To continue the Power Search after it has been completed, click the [Power Search] button again.
      • To terminate the Power Search at any time, click the red [Stop] button (or press <Esc>).

    • Note: Power Search is designed to locate hard-to-find Award Availability matching specific criteria across a long date range, not provide long lists of easy-to-find awards (like an Award Calendar).

  • Results Menu
    • Double-click a particular flight segment/fare (or press <F11>) for the following options:

      • When in Timetable Mode:
        • Seat Maps
        • Flight/Operational Info
        • Check Visa Requirements [TIMATIC]

      • When in Fares Mode:
        • View Fare Rules
        • View Routing Rules
        • Check Visa Requirements [TIMATIC]

      • Marketing Airline Code & Description -- click to visit that airline's website or call it using Skype
      • Operating Airline Code & Description (for codeshare flights) -- click to visit that airline's website or call it using Skype
      • Departure Airport Code & Description -- click for airport info/weather
      • Destination Airport Code & Description -- click for airport info/weather
      • Aircraft Code & Description -- click for detailed aircraft info
      • Flight Duration (availability and format varies by Method)
      • Mileage/Kilometrage for the segment (availability varies by Method)
      • Connection Time (applicable to connecting segments only)

  • Airport/Airline Code Lookup
    • Basic lookup: Enter the name/code and press [Tab].

    • You can search airport locations by:
      • City Name (Example: London)
      • Airport Name (Example: Heathrow)
      • 3-Letter IATA Airport Code (Example: LHR)
      • 4-Letter ICAO Airport Code (Example: EGLL)
      • 2-Letter Country Code (Example: UK)

    • You can search airlines by:
      • Airline Name (Example: Qantas)
      • 2-Character IATA Airline Code (Example: QF)
      • 3-Letter ICAO Airline Code (Example: QFA)
      • Alliance Code (Enter the Alliance Code in square brackets): [*A] [*O] [*S]

    • Advanced search: Enter the string to search for (e.g. London), then press [F2] to go to first matching entry (e.g. LON). Press [F3] to continue searching (e.g. cycle between LHR/LGW/STN/LTN).

  • Sorting Results
    • Click on a column heading.
    • To change sorting order (ascending/descending), click the same column heading again.

  • Filtering Results
    • Use the [Filter] Tab.
    • You can filter the displayed results in real-time by specifying requirements, such as "Availability Required in Classes X or Y", "Only Flights on Airlines XX and YY", "Only Star Alliance/OneWorld/SkyTeam flights", "No Codeshare Flights", etc.
    • You can also chose which booking classes you want to see, and in which order.

  • Re-Arranging Columns
    • Drag-and-drop the column headings left/right.

  • PNR/Itinerary Retrieval Manager
    • Allows you to save a list of your Itineraries/PNRs for easy reference and 1-click web-based retrieval.
    • Supports all major GDS systems and also directly supports a number of airlines.

  • Routing Rules
    • Legend (applicable to Routing-Based Fares only):
      • -: To
      • /: Or
      • Routing Example:
        • NYC-CHI/DFW-SFO/LAX-HNL: You can fly from NYC to HNL via CHI or DFW, then via SFO or LAX (e.g. you can fly NYC-CHI-SFO-HNL or NYC-DFW-LAX-HNL or NYC-CHI-LAX-HNL or NYC-DFW-SFO-HNL). You do not have to transit all the points indicated (e.g. you can route NYC-CHI-HNL or NYC-DFW-HNL or NYC-SFO-HNL or NYC-LAX-HNL or just NYC-HNL). However, if you do, then you must transit the specified points in the order listed.

      • PTC: Passenger Type Code:
        • ADT: Adult
        • CNN: Child
        • INF: Infant (Lap)
        • INS: Infant With Seat
        • UNN: Unaccompanied Minor
        • YTH: Youth
        • STU: Student
        • SCR: Senior Citizen
        • MIL: Military

      • GI: Routing Global Indicator/Via Code:
        • AT: North Atlantic [Map]
        • PA: Pacific [Map]
        • AP: Atlantic/Pacific [Map]
        • EH: Eastern Hemisphere [Map]
        • WH: Western Hemisphere [Map]
        • FE: Far East [Map]
        • TS: Trans-Siberian [Map]
        • PN: Pacific Via North America [Map]
        • SA: South America [Map]

        • T1: IATA Area 1 [Map]
        • T2: IATA Area 2 [Map]
        • T3: IATA Area 3 [Map]
        • PO: Polar
        • DO: Domestic Service
        • PC: North-Central Pacific
        • NP: North Pacific

        • SP: South Polar
        • AF: Africa
        • MI: Mid Atlantic
        • RU: Russia

        • CT: Circle Trip
        • RW: Round-The-World

  • Flight/Operational Info Manager
    • Provides quick and easy access to operational flight info, historical performance data, and flight tracking.

    • Operational Info [FLIFO]:
      • Planned Flight Info: Full routing/list of intermediate stops, traffic restrictions, terminal numbers, aircraft features (e.g. IFE), e-ticket eligibility.
      • Flight Operational Info: Runway and gate departure/arrival times, delay reasons/comments, etc.
      • Carriers supported (Planned Flight Info): All
      • Carriers supported (Flight Operational Info):
      • On-Time Performance Stats (Flights Within US) [Format: AAA/BBB/C/DDD/MMM YY]:
        • AAA: Percentage of arrivals that were on-time (within 15 minutes of scheduled arrival)
        • BBB: Percentage of arrivals that were more than 30 minutes late
        • C: Delays of 30 minutes or more occurred for more than 50% of flights (Y/N)
        • DDD: Percentage of cancellations, if 5% or more of the flight's operation was cancelled
        • MMM YY: Month & Year

  • Reference Information Lookup:

    • Maximum Permitted Mileage [MPM]:
      • Maximum Permitted Mileages (MPM) reflect the distance limit between two specified international points, within which passengers can travel at the single direct MPM-based Fare, provided that the sum of Ticketed Point Mileage (TPM) distances is not exceeded.
      • For more info:
      • Routing can be specified either as origin-destination (e.g. LON-SYD), or as a proposed routing to be validated (e.g. LON-FRA-BKK-SYD).
      • MPM is always checked per direction:
      • Specifying the Airline & Global Indicator is optional.
      • A maximum of 16 segments is allowed.
      • Note: When a routing is entered, intermediate MPMs & TPMs are for informational purposes only and should be ignored.
      • Legend:
        • GI/DC: Global Indicator/Direction
        • M: Maximum Permitted Mileage [MPM]
        • 5M/10M/15M/20M/25M: MPM Surcharge Band [MPM + Permitted Mileage Excess (in %)]:
          For Regular Fares, the Fare would be subject to a MPM surcharge of 5%/10%/15%/20%/25% respectively.
          For Award tickets, no surcharge typically applies, but the rules of the frequent flyer programme dictate the highest surcharge band permitted (e.g. MPM+5% for AC AE).
        • 1/2/3: IATA Area
        • TPM: Ticketed Point Mileage [TPM] (for each segment)
        • CUM: Cumulative Mileage (a running total of TPMs)
        • SUR: MPM Surcharge Band Required (5M/10M/15M/20M/25M)
          EXC: Cumulative Mileage exceeds the MPM+25%
        • HGL: Mileage remaining within the current MPM Surcharge Band
        • LWL: Mileage over the previous (lower) MPM Surcharge Band
        • XTRA: Extra mileage allowance that applies when routing via the corresponding point (AKA Ticketed Point Deduction). The specified number of miles has been deducted from the running TPM total in the [CUM] column.

    • Ticketed Point Mileage [TPM]:
      • TPM is the actual distance between two cities on an itinerary, which is used for the purposes of validating against the MPM and calculating mileage award credits (subject to the rules of a particular frequent flyer programme).
      • For more info:
      • Routing can be entered as one of more segments (e.g LON-SYD or LON-FRA-BKK-SYD)
      • A maximum of 10 segments is allowed.
      • Mileage is calculated in both miles and kilometers.

    • Minimum Connection Time [MCT]:
      • To check standard MCT times for an airport, enter the Airport Code (e.g. JFK) and leave the Connect Airlines field blank.
      • To check for carrier-specific exceptions, enter the Airport Code (e.g. JFK) and enter the from/to airline codes in the Connect Airlines field (e.g. BA-QF or VS-VS).
      • To check inter-airport MCTs (e.g. LHR-LGW), enter a City Code (e.g. LON) and leave the Connect Airlines field blank.

    • Interline Agreements [IET]:
      • Shows a list of current Interline Agreements for an airline.

    • Date Calculator:
      • Query examples: 25 Jul + 331 Days, 09 Aug 2011 - 355, 15/07 + 6 Weeks, + 8 Months.

  • Visa/Immigration/Health/Customs Info (TIMATIC)
    • To look-up a topic/document reference, which may appear in the text, surrounded by double square brackets (e.g. [[TINEWS]]), double-click the text in square brackets or select TIMATIC Expert Mode and enter the command, starting with TI (e.g. TINEWS/N1)

  • ITA Query Builder
    • This option will construct an ITA Route Language query to search for available flights, using the Fare Basis, selected in KVS Tool.
    • It can also be used to see a breakdown of all Taxes/Fees/Surcharges.
    • Double-Click the desired Fare and select [Find Flights Using This Fare].

  • Specifying multiple airlines:
    • You can specify up to 3 airlines when using the [Timetable] Method.
    • Separate multiple airline names/codes with a semicolon (";"), e.g. BA; AF; AA or Cathay; Singapore; Thai

  • To Print the results:
    • Press [Ctrl]+[P]
      - or -
    • Right-click or Double-click on the list of the results; this will bring-up a pop-up menu.
    • Click Send To -> Wordpad

  • To share the results in a Forum post or your Website/Blog pages:
    • Right-click or Double-click on the list of the results (or press <Ctrl>+<C>); this will bring-up a pop-up menu.
    • Click Copy to Clipboard -> For Forum Use [BBCode] or Website/Blog Use [HTML]

      Note: The automatically-generated citation header must be included when sharing/posting the results.

  • To copy individual segments to WordPad or another application:
    • Drag-and-Drop the desired segment from the list to another application (e.g. WordPad) by holding the left mouse button.

Keyboard Shortcuts

 Shortcut   Action 
<Ctrl> + <PgUp>/<PgDown> Request Availability for previous/next day
<Ctrl> + <C> Copy results to Clipboard
<Ctrl> + <R> Copy selected Row to Clipboard (Tab-Delimited)
<Ctrl> + <P> Send results to WordPad (e.g. for printing)
<Ctrl> + <F> Turn Filter On/Off
<Ctrl> + <N> Show Non-Stop/Direct Flights Only (On/Off)
<Ctrl> + <I> Launch Another Instance
<Ctrl> + <M> Launch KVS Tool Mobile Companion
<Alt> + [Underlined Letter] Goto the corresponding Field (e.g. F=From, D=Date, A=Airline) or Tab (e.g. R=Fares)
<Enter> Go
<Ctrl> + <Enter> Power Search
<Esc> Stop
<F1> Help
<F11> Flight/Fare options (same as double-clicking the Flight/Fare)
<F12> Tools
<Shift> + <F1>..<F12> Select Method


KVS Tool desktop application can run under most 32/64-bit versions of Windows, including:

  • Windows 7, Windows 8 (except Windows 8 RT), Windows 10, Windows 11
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 2003/2008/2012

Note: Windows XP is no longer supported (as SSL Forward Secrecy is required by most Engines, but is not suported in this OS)

While the KVS Tool is a native Windows application, it has been specifically designed to be emulator/VM-friendly.

Many KVS Tool members are successfully running the KVS Tool on their Mac & Linux systems using the following 3rd-party solutions:

  • VirtualBox 
    •  Versions 5.0.28 & 5.1.8 of VirtualBox contain a bug that may cause "Error 35758: Unable To Retrieve Data":
      Please use VirtualBox 5.0.30 / 5.1.12 (or later) or try adjusting your VirtualBox Network Adapter Settings to [NAT Network] or [Bridged Adapter]

  • VMWare Fusion

KVS Tool Mobile Companion is compatible with all web-enabled Mobile (incl. iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry, etc.), Tablet (incl. iPad, PlayBook, etc.), and desktop/laptop/netbook devices.


HTTP Proxy Issues:
  • Proxy Servers requiring authentication are not supported for some functions.

Error Messages & Troubleshooting Tips:
  • KVS Tool Setup Does Not Start or Hangs/Freezes When Started:
    • Temporarily disable any Anti-Virus/Protection software until the installation process is complete.
    • Run the KVS Tool Setup As Administrator and/or in Windows XP Compatibility Mode (Windows Vista/7/8/10).

  • "Windows Protected Your PC: Windows SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting":
    • Click the [More Info] link and select [Run Anyway].

  • "The file 'C:\WINDOWS\********.***' could not be opened" and/or
  • KVS Tool Setup Fails or Hangs/Freezes During the Installation/Update Process:
    • Right-click the KVS_AvailabilityTool_Setup.EXE file and select [Run As Administrator].
    • Select the [Portable Installation] option on the [Installation Options] screen during Setup.
    • Temporarily disable any anti-virus protection software until the installation process is complete.

  • "The file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\KVS Tool\********.***' could not be opened":
    Install the KVS Tool to a directory, to which you have full read/write access by clicking the [Change] button on the [Installation Options] screen during Setup (e.g. C:\Users\<UserName>\KVS Tool).

  • "KVS_AvailabilityTool_Setup.EXE is not a valid Win32 application":
    Please try clearing your web browser's Cache/Temporary Files and downloading the Setup file again. Alternatively, try using a different browser. If that does not help, then there may be an issue with your local system, such as faulty/mis-configured anti-virus software, a virus infection, or a full/corrupted disk drive.

  • "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142)":
    This indicates an issue with your local Windows system. Please try Troubleshooting Tips.

  • "Error 12029: Cannot Connect" and/or
    "Error 12152: The Server Response Could Not Be Parsed" and/or
    "Error 12007: Name Not Resolved" and/or
    "Error 9001: Time-Out Requesting Data" and/or
    "Error 9002: No Data Received":
    This indicates either a problem with your internet connection, or personal firewall settings. Try the following:
    • If you are running Windows XP, please upgrade to Windows Vista (or later).
    • Re-configure or temporarily disable any personal firewall/anti-virus software (e.g. Symantec's Norton Internet Security).
    • Verify that all of your Internet Explorer Connection Settings (including Proxy Settings) are correct. To access these settings, click the purple [Tools] button at the top of the KVS Tool, then click [Internet Options].
    • If you have just installed an updated version of the Tool, remove KVS Availability Tool ("C:\Program Files\KVS Tool\KVS_AvailabilityTool.exe" or "C:\Program Files\KVS Availability Tool\KVS_AvailabilityTool.exe" or "C:\Program Files (x86)\KVS Tool\KVS_AvailabilityTool.exe" or "C:\Program Files (x86)\KVS Availability Tool\KVS_AvailabilityTool.exe") from your personal firewall/anti-virus software's "trusted programs" list, and then add it there again.
    • Click the purple [Tools] button at the top of the KVS Tool, then click [Internet Options]. Select [Advanced] -> [Security]. Ensure that all "Use TLS" options are checked (on). Restart the Tool and try again.
    • Run the Internet Connection Test: Click the purple [Tools] button at the top of the KVS Tool and select [Internet Connection Test].
    • Restart your system.
    • If that does not resolve the problem, try the troubleshooting instructions for "Transferring Data >>>>>>>>>> message is displayed, but results never appear" below.

  • "Error 35761: Request Timed Out" and/or
    "Error 12002: Request Timed Out":
    This indicates a problem with your system or Internet Explorer settings:
    • Run the Internet Connection Test:
      Click the purple [Tools] button at the top of the KVS Tool and select [Internet Connection Test].
    • If the [Receive Time-Out] value shown under the [System Info] section in the [Internet Connection Test] is less than 300 seconds (or is shown as "Default" or "0"):
      Apply the Registry File Patch and restart the machine.
    • Verify that all of your Internet Explorer Connection Settings (including Proxy Settings) are correct and try again.
      To access Connection Settings, click the purple [Tools] button at the top of the KVS Tool and select [Internet Options].
    • Note: These instructions apply regardless of the primary web browser that you normally use (e.g. Mozilla FireFox, Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, etc.)

  • "Error 35756: Unable To Complete Request/MSIE Off-Line Mode Activated" and/or
    "Error 35764: Still Executing Last Request":
    This indicates a problem with your Internet Explorer settings:
    • Start Internet Explorer, make sure that it is not set to Work Off-Line (via File Menu)
    • Ensure that all Connection Settings (including Proxy Settings) are correct.
    • Restart the Tool and try again.
    • If you are running Bitdefender AV software, turn off the [Protection Against Phishing] option.
    • If that does not resolve the problem, try the troubleshooting instructions for "Error 12029: Cannot Connect" above.

  • "Transferring Data >>>>>>>>>>" message is displayed, but results never appear, and/or
    "Error 9001: Time-Out Requesting Data", and/or
    "Error 35752: URL Is Malformed", and/or
    "Error 12156: The Redirection Failed", and/or
    "Error 9003: URL Redirect Limit Exceed/MSIE Cookies Error", and/or
    "Error 9004: URL Redirect Limit Exceed/MSIE Cookies Error":

    This indicates a problem with your Internet Explorer Cookie settings:
    • To access MSIE Cookie settings, click the purple [Tools] button at the top of the KVS Tool, then click [Internet Options], select the [Privacy] Tab, click [Advanced] and enable First-Party Cookies, as shown in the MSIE Cookie Settings Screenshot (do not select the [Prompt] option).
    • Note: These instructions apply regardless of the primary web browser that you normally use (e.g. Mozilla FireFox, Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, etc.)
    • Restart the Tool and try again.
    • If that does not resolve the problem, try the troubleshooting instructions for "Error 35761: Request timed out" above.

  • "Error Requesting Data: (Various)" after upgrading to the latest version (previous version worked OK on the same machine) and/or
    KVS Tool Hangs/Freezes ("Not Responding") When Started (previous version worked OK on the same machine):
    • Remove KVS Availability Tool ("C:\Program Files\KVS Tool\KVS_AvailabilityTool.exe" or "C:\Program Files\KVS Availability Tool\KVS_AvailabilityTool.exe" or "C:\Program Files (x86)\KVS Tool\KVS_AvailabilityTool.exe" or "C:\Program Files (x86)\KVS Availability Tool\KVS_AvailabilityTool.exe") from your personal firewall/anti-virus software's "trusted programs" list, and then add it there again.
    • Restart your system.
    • If that does not resolve the issue, please refer to the troubleshooting tips for actual error message shown.

  • "KVS Tool was unable to connect to the Authentication Server" in Registration dialogue window:
    • If you were able to successfully use the Tool on this machine in the past, then the Authentication Server may be temporarly unavailable -- please try again in a few minutes.
    • Otherwise, refer to the troubleshooting tips for actual error message that preceedes the dialogue window ("Error Requesting Data").
    • Run the Internet Connection Test:
      Click the purple [Tools] button at the top of the KVS Tool and select [Internet Connection Test].

  • KVS Tool hangs (freezes) intermittently when transferring data:
    This may be caused by an unresolved bug in the Microsoft WinInet system component. To work-around this issue:
    • Click the purple [Tools] button at the top of the KVS Tool, then click [Internet Options].
    • Goto [Advanced] tab, scroll down to [HTTP 1.1 Settings] and make sure that Use HTTP 1.1 and Use HTTP 1.1 through proxy connections options are unchecked.
    • Restart the Tool and try again.

  • "Online Authentication Error: Proxy Access Denied", and/or
    "Online Authentication Error: Access Denied", and/or
    "Datasource Error: Proxy Access Denied", and/or
    "Datasource Error: Access Denied":
    This indicates that your corporate proxy server requires authentication, and that you need to supply the Tool with the appropriate username/password combination.
    Goto the [Settings] Tab and select [Proxy Authentication].
    If you do not know your proxy username/password, please contact your Network Administrator for assistance.

  • "Online Authentication Error: Redirecting", and/or
    "Online Authentication Error: <Various>", and/or
    "Error 12168: The Redirection Requires User Confirmation", and/or
    "KVS Tool has received an unexpected response while contacting the Authentication Server", and/or
    "Online Authentication Response Error":
    This indicates that there is an issue with your internet connection (e.g. you may be using a Wireless Hotspot, which requires login).
    Launch Microsoft Internet Explorer and complete the necessary login/authentication steps before using the KVS Tool.
    If you are behind a corporate proxy server that requires authentication, click the purple [Tools] button at the top of the KVS Tool and select [Proxy Authentication Credentials].

  • "Error 12037: Security Certificate Number Invalid":
    These types of errors are, typically, caused by incorrect system date/time settings. After correcting your system date/time, restart the Tool.

  • "Error 12057: Gopher - Attribute Not Found" and/or
    "Error 12057: SSL Certificate REV Failed":

    Windows Users:
    Click the purple [Tools] button at the top of the KVS Tool, then click [Internet Options]. Goto [Advanced] tab, scroll down to [Security] and make sure that Check For Server Certificate Revocation option is unchecked (off).
    Restart the Tool and try again.

    CrossOver/WINE/WinOnX/PlayOnMac/WineBottler/WineSkin Mac/Linux Users:
    Please follow the instructions under "There is a problem with this website's security certificate" at

  • "Error 12157: Error Establishing A Secure Connection/SSL Compatibility Error" and/or
    "Error 12157: The Application Experienced An Internal Error Loading The SSL Libraries" and/or
    "Error -2146869244: The Signature Of The Certificate Can Not Be Verified":
    • If you are running Windows XP, please upgrade to Windows Vista (or later).
    • Click the purple [Tools] button at the top of the KVS Tool, then click [Internet Options]. Select [Advanced] -> [Security]. Ensure that all "Use TLS" options are checked (on). Restart the Tool and try again.
    • Disable defective Anti-Virus/Personal Firewall software (e.g. ESET Smart Security/NOD32 Antivirus).
    • If you are using a proxy server, ensure that your MSIE Connection/Proxy settings are correct and that your Proxy server is up and running.

  • "Error 12045: Client Authorization Not Setup" and/or
    "Error 12169: SSL Certificate Is Invalid":

    Windows Users:
    To resolve the issue, download and install an Update for Root Certificates from the Microsoft Website. Restart the Tool and try again.

    CrossOver/WINE/WinOnX/PlayOnMac/WineBottler/WineSkin Mac/Linux Users:
    Please follow the instructions at

  • "Error 12031: Connection Reset":
    • Click the purple [Tools] button at the top of the KVS Tool, then click [Internet Options]. Select [Advanced] -> [Security]. Ensure that all "Use TLS" options are checked (on). Restart the Tool and try again.
    • Check your internet connection and firewall (if applicable) and try again.

  • "Error 35758: Unable To Retrieve Data":

    Windows Users:
    This is a likely a transient issue. However, if the error persists, then it's an issue with your local system, network connection, and/or ISP.

    CrossOver/WINE/WinOnX/PlayOnMac/WineBottler/WineSkin & VirtualBox Mac/Linux Users:
    Please see or

  • "MSIE Cookies Error" and/or
    "MSIE Cookies Disabled" and/or
    "Please Enable MSIE Cookies":

    Windows Users:
    • Please ensure that Cookies are enabled in the Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE).
    • To access these settings, click the purple [Tools] button at the top of the KVS Tool, then click [Internet Options], select the [Privacy] Tab, click [Advanced] and enable First-Party Cookies, as shown in the MSIE Cookie Settings Screenshot (do not select the [Prompt] option).
    • Note: These instructions apply regardless of the primary web browser that you normally use (e.g. Mozilla FireFox, Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, etc.)

    CrossOver/WINE/WinOnX/PlayOnMac/WineBottler/WineSkin Mac/Linux Users:
    Please see or

  • "Unable to Write to File: [..]":
    • This indicates that KVS Tool is unable to write data to the files, located in the application directory (e.g. because your current user account does not have the appropriate file write permissions).
    • Re-Install the KVS Tool to a directory, to which you have full read/write access by clicking the [Change] button on the Installation Options screen during Setup (e.g. C:\Users\<UserName>\KVS Tool).

  • "The KVS Tool is unable to store local settings in its current location":
    Re-Install the KVS Tool to a directory, to which you have full read/write access by clicking the [Change] button on the Installation Options screen during Setup (e.g. C:\Users\<UserName>\KVS Tool).

  • "Error 12055: Gopher - Incorrect Locator Type" (under WINE/CrossOver Linux/Mac) and/or
    "Error 12055: The SSL Certificate Contains Errors":
    This error is caused by missing SSL libraries/certificates in WINE/CrossOver -- please install Microsoft Internet Explorer to resolve the issue.

  • "Error 12037: Security Certificate Number Invalid":
    These types of errors are, typically, caused by incorrect system date/time settings. After correcting your system date/time, restart the Tool.

  • "Unable To Start" and/or:
    "ShellExecute Error":

  • "Error 481: Invalid Picture":
    • Check that your TEMP Environment Variable is set correctly, the directory is accessible for reading/writing and that there is enough storage space on the associated disk drive.
    • Re-Install the KVS Tool, selecting the [Portable Installation] option on the Installation Options screen during Setup.

  • "KVS Tool Setup Fails: "C:\WINDOWS\OLE2.DLL is either not designed to run on Windoiws or it contains an error (Error Status: 0xc0000131)" and/or
    "Compontent 'COMCTL32.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid":

    Disable defective Anti-Virus/Personal Firewall software (e.g. 360 Security, 360 Safeguard, Qihoo 360).

Frequently Asked Questions:
  • Q 1: Availability display shows lots of seats in fare class X for a flight between AAA and BBB, but when I try to book those flights, they book into a more expensive class Y.
  • A: Availability in class X does not, in any way, mean that there is actually an applicable fare that books into class X. You should review the Fare Listings (using one of the Fare methods of the Tool) to determine whether there is an applicable fare for your city pair (AAA-BBB). If there is not, then availability in class X is irrelevant for your purposes. See the [Using the Tool to Plan a Trip] Tutorial for details.

  • Q 2: Why are you showing availability in class X, when the Seat Map has no seats available for pre-assignment?
  • Q: Why are you showing no availability in class X, when the Seat Map still has seats available for pre-assignment?
  • A: No simple relationships exist (or should be inferred to exist) between seats available for sale (shown in Availability) and seats available for pre-assignment (shown in Seat Maps), or vice-versa, due to, in part, the factors outlined in the following Q/A.

  • Q 3: How can the availability figures for flight XXX be so low, when I am seeing so many unassigned (available) seats on the seatmap?!
  • A: Airlines do not pre-assign seats automatically -- someone (or something) has to request a seat assignment. Furthermore, certain categories of PAX (e.g. groups) cannot request an assignment, even if they wanted to. Lastly, the flight may be overbooked in lower cabin(s), which, in turn, may affect availability in the higher cabin(s) in order to accomodate intended operational upgrades.

  • Q 4: How can the availability figures for flight XXX be so high, when I am seeing so few (or no) unassigned (available) seats on the seatmap?!
  • A: Not all seats are available for pre-allocation. Some seats may be blocked for various operational and commercial reasons, in accordance with the policies of the corresponding carrier.

  • Q 5: How come a flight is missing from the list of the results?
  • A: If a flight is zeroed-out in economy cabin (e.g. Y0), it may show at the end of the list. If there are many matching flights, try to make your query more specific (e.g. by specifying airline and/or departure time).

    If the flight departs very early (e.g. 03 am) or very late (e.g. 23:50), you may need to specify a value in the [Time:] field to make such a flight appear.

  • Q 6: Is there a way to tell exactly how many award seats are available, when using one of the [Awards] Methods, that use "+" and "-" indicators?
  • A: To determine the exact number of award seats available, you need to gradually increase the value in the [Seats:] field. For example, if availability changes from "+" to "-" after increasing the value from 3 to 4, then the number of available award seats is 3.

  • Q 7: I am being asked for an AC AE/ANA Mileage Club Membership number, but I am a member of a different Star Alliance carrier programme (e.g. UA MP, AC AE, AV LifeMiles, etc.)
  • Q: I am being asked for an QF Frequent Flyer/BA Executive Club/JL Mileage Bank MB/CX Asia Miles Membership number, but I am a member of a different OneWorld carrier programme (e.g. AA AADV, CX Asia Miles, BA Executive Club, etc.)
  • Q: I am being asked for a AF Flying Blue Membership number, but I am a member of a different SkyTeam carrier programme (e.g. DL SM, AZ MilleMiglia, OK Plus, SU Bonus, etc.)
  • A: In order to be able to check award/upgrade availability using these Method(s), you need to sign-up for account(s) in the respective programme(s) using the link(s), specified in the Methods Section above. It does not matter if you are already a member in a different alliance programme.

  • Q 8: What is the difference between the various Award Types?
  • A: Please refer to the following table:

     KVS Tool   Code   Airline Marketing-Speak   Description   Applicability 
    Standard xS UA MP "Saver"
    AA AADV "MileSAAver"
    DL SM "Level 1"/"Saver"/"Low"
    SQ KF "Saver"
    AC AE "Classic"
    M&M "Flex"
    FB Lowest
    QF FF "Classic"
    AS MP "Non-Refundable" (Lowest)/"Super Saver"
    EY GST "GuestSeat"
    AY FP "Classic"
    EK "Saver"
    CX AM "Standard"
    AZ MM "Standard"
    QR QM "x1"
    JL MB Base
    Normal Capacity-Restricted Awards. Available for redemption across the entire Alliance.
    Additional xA UA MP "Standard"
    AA AADV "AAnytime"
    DL SM "Level 5"/"Peak"/"High"
    SQ KF "Advantage"/"Standard"
    AS MP "Refundable"/"Full Flex"
    EY GST "Choice Plus"
    EK "Flex"
    CX AM "Choice"
    QR QM "x2"/"Flexi"
    Highest-Cost Unrestricted Awards that require Additional (typically double) mileage. Available only to members of that specific FFP.
    Medium xM DL SM "Level 3"/"Standard"/"Medium"
    AS MP "Non-Refundable" (Non-Lowest)
    EY GST "Choice"
    Awards that require more mileage than Standard Awards, but less mileage than Medium-Low or Additional Awards. Available only to members of that specific FFP.
    Medium-Low xL DL SM "Level 2"/"Medium-Low"
    EY GST "Value"
    Awards that require more mileage than Standard Awards, but less mileage than Medium Awards. Available only to members of that specific FFP.
    Medium-High xH DL SM "Level 4"/"Medium-High" Awards that require more mileage than Medium Awards, but less mileage than Additional Awards. Available only to members of that specific FFP.
    Reduced xR M&M "FlySmart"
    FB "Promo@"
    SU AB "Light"
    DL SM "Economy Basic"
    AA AADV "Web Special"
    Discounted Awards that require less mileage than Standard Awards. Available only to members of that specific FFP.
    Elite xE FB First Elite Awards that are available only to Elite members. Available only to members of that specific FFP.
    Variable xV FB Non-Lowest Variable
    AC AE "ClassicPlus"
    AA AADV "Dynamic Air"
    QF FF "Any Seat"
    EY GST "OpenSeat"
    AY FP "Any Seat"
    AZ MM "Flex"
    AS MP Non-Lowest Variable
    JL MB "Award Ticket Plus"
    CX AM "Tailored"
    Dynamically-priced redemptions that do not use Award Availability. Available only to members of that specific FFP.
    Special Varies AC AE "Priority"
    BA EC "Priority Reward"/
    BA EC "Annual Redemption Benefit"
    Awards that are available only to Elite members and that require Additional (typically double) mileage. Available only to members of that specific FFP.

  • Q 9: Can I have the Tool installed on more than one computer?
  • A: Yes, please see for licensing details.

    To register the Tool on another computer:
    • Download and Install the KVS Tool on the new PC.
    • Use the Registration Wizard ( to request an Additional Registration Code.

  • Q 10: I am getting a "System Code Mismatch" error.
  • Q: Can I use the same Registration Code on another computer?
  • Q: I can't seem to be able to change the System Code shown.
  • Q: I just changed computers and copied the Tool over, but it won't accept my old Registration Code.
  • A: Each Registration Code is only valid for the computer it was issued for. The System Code is unique to each machine and cannot be changed. To obtain a replacement or an additional Registration Code, please use the Registration Wizard:

  • Q 11: How do I transfer the KVS Tool to another PC?
  • Q: How can I transfer locally-stored data (Credentials, Saved Trips, PNRs) to another machine?
  • A: If you still have access to the old PC:
    • Start the Tool on the old PC, click the large orange keys button in the Tool, and select [Un-Register]. Make a note of your old System Code (S-XXXXXXXX).
    • Install & launch the KVS Tool on the new PC.
    • Request a Replacement Registration Code using the Registration Wizard, specifying the System Code for your new installation and the old System Code from Step 1.

    • (Optional): To transfer locally-stored data, such as a list of your Saved Trips, PNRs, and Credentials:
      Copy the KVS_AvailabilityTool.ini file from your old PC to your new PC:

      Windows 95/98/ME, Windows NT 4, Windows 2000, Windows XP Users:
      C:\Program Files\KVS Tool or
      C:\Program Files\KVS Availability Tool

      Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 Users (UAC Enabled) - 32 bit:
      C:\Users\<User_Name>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\KVS Tool or
      C:\Users\<User_Name>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\KVS Availability Tool

      Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 Users (UAC Enabled) - 64 bit:
      C:\Users\<User_Name>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\KVS Tool or
      C:\Users\<User_Name>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\KVS Availability Tool

      CrossOver/WINE/WinOnX/PlayOnMac/WineBottler/WineSkin Mac/Linux Users:
      /Users/<User_Name>/Library/Application Support/CrossOver/Bottles/<Bottle_Name>/drive_c/Program Files/KVS Tool or
      /Users/<User_Name>/Library/Application Support/CrossOver/Bottles/<Bottle_Name>/drive_c/Program Files/KVS Availability Tool

      WINE Linux/Mac Users:
      /home/<User_Name>/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/KVS Tool or
      /home/<User_Name>/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/KVS Availability Tool

    If you no longer have access to the old PC:
    • Install & launch the KVS Tool on the new PC.
    • Request a Replacement Registration Code using the Registration Wizard, specifying the System Code for your new installation and your old System Code (if known).

  • Q 12: If I install the new version, will I need a new Registration Code?
  • A: No. Your Registration remains valid, and will be automatically recognized by the new version.

  • Q 13: Should I do an uninstall, before installing a new version?
  • A: There is no need to uninstall an old version -- just run the Setup as usual.

  • Q 14: I have just installed an updated version of the KVS Tool; why am I being prompted to reboot Windows?
  • Q: I have just installed an updated version of the KVS Tool; why am I still getting the "KVS Tool Needs To Be Updated" message and being prompted to download an updated version?
  • A: You should always exit the KVS Tool before running the Setup/Update. Should you forget to do so, the Setup will need to reboot Windows in order to complete the update.

  • Q 15: I am being prompted to complete installation for ____________ (some completely irrelevant software title), when trying to run the Tool.
  • A: The KVS Tool has nothing to do with the software product in the message. That message comes from the Windows Installer and indicates that the installation for that software is either incomplete or incorrect. If you are not using the said product (and don't recall installing it), use the Control Panel's [Add or Remove Programs] / [Programs and Features] option to uninstall it. Otherwise, use the [Repair] option to properly complete the installation for the product in question.

  • Q 16: KVS Tool does not remember my Registration Code and other saved data/settings.
  • A: Windows Users:

    This indicates that KVS Tool is unable to write data to the files, located in the application directory (e.g. because your current user account does not have the appropriate file write permissions).
    Re-Install the KVS Tool to a directory, to which you have full read/write access by clicking the [Browse] button on the Installation Options screen during Setup (e.g. C:\Users\<UserName>\KVS Tool).

    CrossOver/WINE/WinOnX/PlayOnMac/WineBottler/WineSkin Mac/Linux Users:

    Use [Tools] -> [Exit] to properly shutdown the KVS Tool.

  • Q 17: Can I install the KVS Tool on a locked-down corporate machine?
  • A: In most cases, yes:
    • To start, follow the instructions in the [Installation Fails or Freezes] section of the KVS Tool User Guide above.
    • If you are unable to run the KVS Tool Setup at all due to security restrictions, you can download and extract a Portable Version of the KVS Tool inside a ZIP archive on the Download page.
    • Alternatively, you can use your home/personal PC to install the KVS Tool to a portable USB Drive, by clicking the [Browse] button on the Installation Options screen during Setup, and also selecting the [Place System Files In Application Directory] option.
    • Once the installation is complete, connect the USB Drive to your corporate machine and run the KVS Tool from there (you will be prompted to register the first time you run it).

  • Q 18: Is there a handy reference for the various Booking Class codes?
  • A: Please see for Award/Upgrade Booking Classes.

  • Q 19: How can I make a Regular (paid) booking for a Fare that I have found using the KVS Tool?
  • A: The choice is completely up to you: You can call the airline directly, use a travel Agent, or book using an online travel agency (not all Fares can be booked using the last option). However, first, be sure to follow the suggested steps in the [Using the Tool to Plan a Trip] Tutorial to ensure that the fare is actually applicable to your particular travel dates, and that there is Availability.

  • Q 19.2: How can I make an Award booking for a Fare that I have found using the KVS Tool?
  • A: Please contact the Frequent Flyer Programme for the account that you will be redeeming from (or use their website if it supports your itinerary). For tips on dealing with Agents, please see

  • Q 20: The prices quoted via the Fares Methods - are they inclusive of taxes/fees/surcharges?
  • Q: How can I calculate taxes/fees/surcharges?
  • A: KVS Tool shows a breakdown of the Base Fare, YQ/YR Surcharges, as well as the Total price (incl. all Surcharges and Taxes).

    To see a full breakdown of all Taxes and Surcharges for a specific Fare and itinerary via ITA, please follow the instructions for the [ITA Query Builder] Feature.

  • Q 21: Where can I find a glossary of Fare terms?
  • A: See TT Glossary

  • Q 22: What are IATA YY Fares?
  • A: IATA YY Fares have been discontinued as of 01 Nov 2018.

  • Q 23: Why are the cheaper Business/First-class fares missing from the fare listings, when using one the [Fares] methods?
  • A: Certain discount Business/First-class Fares may not be classified as Business in the GDS system. To see them, you have to select [Economy] under [Class:].

  • Q 30: Could you tell me what are differences between the KVS Tool and other similar tools/services?
  • A: KVS Tool has unparalleled Award Availability coverage of 119+ airlines worldwide, including 100% Award Availability coverage across all airlines in Star Alliance, OneWorld and SkyTeam.
    You may also find it helpful to review the list of features ( and the screenshots (, and compare them to the corresponding pages, relating to the other service.

  • Q 31: Where can I download one of the older versions of the KVS Tool?
  • A: Due to operational requirements and other constraints, non-current versions of the Tool are not supported and are not available for download.

  • Q 32: What should I do if the KVS Tool shows award seats available, but the Agent claims otherwise?
  • A: Here are some suggestions:
    • Make sure that the Agent is checking Availability segment-by-segment (i.e. instead of saying "I would like an NYC-SYD award", provide the Agent with each individual flight details, e.g. "TG793/JFK-BKK + TG401/BKK-SIN + SQ221/SIN-SYD").
    • For partner awards, make sure that the Agent is using the correct Airline Code (e.g. if you simply ask for "LATAM" [LA], the Agent will probably not search for Availability on LATAM Brasil [JJ]).
    • For partner awards, also make sure that the Agent is checking the correct Award Booking Class.
    • Call back and try a different Agent (repeat as necessary).
    • Request to speak to a supervisor (repeat as necessary).
    • Advise the Agent that you know for a fact that there is award Availability on the flight(s) in question and ask that they do a "Long Sell".
      Note: "Long Selling" means booking a flight by manually entering the flight number, flight date, origin, destination, Booking Class, and the number of seats required. It can be used in situations, where Availability has already been confirmed externally (e.g. using the KVS Tool or by calling the other airline directly). The other airline will then respond to the booking request with a definitive "Yes" or "No".
    • Ask the Agent to call their partner/alliance Help Desk or the partner carrier directly for assistance.
    • If the Agent cannot see the flight at all and the flight departs very early (e.g. 03 am) or very late (e.g. 23:50), the Agent needs to specify a departure time in their system, or request Availability for the preceding/following date.
    • If multiple Methods support Award Availability for the airline in question, be sure to verify Award Availability using the most authoritative Method:
      Methods in the Award Booking Classes table are listed in the order of preference, starting from the most authoritative.
    • The Agent may need to use an alternative reservations system/"screen" when booking Awards on certain partner carriers.

  • Q 34: Is there a way to search for Award Availability across multiple dates?
  • A: Yes, using the Power Search feature.

  • Q 35: Is there a way to automatically receive Availability alerts?
  • A: KVS Tool members continue to enjoy a number of exclusive features, including the most comprehensive Award Availability coverage across all global airline alliances (including 100% Star Alliance, OneWorld and SkyTeam Award coverage). Unfortunately, automated alerting functionality would not currently be 'compatible' with these features for a number of policy and technical-related reasons.

    However, it only takes a few mouse-clicks to periodically re-check Availability after adding the relevant route details to [My Trips].

  • Q 36: Is there a way to request Availability for multiple cities in a single query?
  • A: No, as the existing reservation systems cannot handle these kinds of requests.

  • Q 37: Can I search for Regular Availability or Fares by specifying Alliance (Star Alliance/OneWorld/SkyTeam) instead of a specific airline?
  • A: Not directly. However, you can use the [*A]/[*O]/[*S] Alliance buttons in the [Filter] tab, or you can specify up to 3 airline codes in the [Airline(s):] field when searching (assuming that the route in question is not served by more than 3 alliance members).

  • Q 38: Is there a way to directly obtain actual cabin loads or boarding totals?
  • A: No, as such information is strictly available to the employees of each specific airline.
    However, with sufficient levels of skill and experience, one can estimate the loads, using the info, provided via the KVS Tool:
    • Look for Availability in the lowest Booking Classes in each cabin (lower Availability typically correlates with higher [expected] loads).
    • A Cabin that is completely zeroed-out for sale (e.g. Y0) is typically indicative of a very high [expected] load factor and a strong possibility of an Overbooked Cabin.
    • Keep in mind that, generally, Seat Maps should not be used to estimate loads (for the reasons outlined in Q2 & Q3 above).

  • Q 39: How far in advance can I check Availability/Timetables?
  • A: Please refer to Method Info Section above.

  • Q 40: Why isn't city X/airport code XXX in the list?
  • A: There are 10 000+ IATA airport codes worldwide, of which approx. 2 000+ can be decoded by the Tool for performance reasons. However, you can still check Availability and Fares to/from XXX by entering the airport code.

  • Q 43: How do I retrieve info for Round-The-World (RTW) & Circle Fares?
  • Q: Where can I find more info on Round-The-World (RTW) & Circle Fares?
  • A: To access RTW & special Circle Fares:

    • Select the [Fares/UNAP] Method and the [RTW] option.
    • Click [Go] and double-click/right-click the list of results.
    • To access Pricing, select [View Routing Rules] -> [Enter Fare Basis Code].
      To access Fare Rules, select [View Fare Rules - Advanced] -> [Enter Fare Basis Code].
    • Enter <City Code/City Code/Airline Code/Fare Basis Code>.

      For example:

       Alliance   Product   Fare Basis Code   Sample [Enter Fare Basis Code] Entry 
      Star Alliance   RTW YRWSTAR1/2/3
      Star Alliance   RTW 26K Special YRWSPCL
      Star Alliance   RTW 29/34/39K Special YRWSPCL1/2/3   IST/IST/TK/YRWSPCL1
      Star Alliance   Circle Pacific YCPSTAR1/2
      OneWorld   RTW LONE3/4/5
      OneWorld   Global Explorer LGLOB26/29/34/39
      OneWorld   Circle Trip Explorer LONEWC3/4
      OneWorld   Circle Atlantic LCIRAT17/21/25
      OneWorld   Circle Pacific LCIR22/26/29SA
      OneWorld   Circle Asia & South West Pacific LAS13/17
      OneWorld   Visit North America S1VISIT
      SkyTeam   RTW KRTWSKY1/2/3/4
      SQ   Easy APAC YEZSQ
      SQ/NZ/VS   RTW Escapade Via PA - From US YRWESC
      SQ/NZ/VS   RTW Escapade Via PA - From UK YLRWESC/2/3/4

  • Q 44: What does "ROUTING MPM" / "MPM TRVL PERMITTED" mean?
  • A: It means that this a MPM-based fare with no fixed routing. You can use any routing of your choosing, subject to the general MPM System Rules and any restrictions, specified in the Fare Rules. See also MPM Explanation.

  • Q 45: How can I tell if a particular flight is an actual codeshare (e.g. for mileage credit purposes within Star Alliance)?
  • A: Simply request Operational Info for the flight in question. If the [Flight Notes] section contains lines that read "COMMERCIAL DUPLICATE - OPERATED BY _____" and "OPERATIONAL LEG __ ____", then it is an actual codeshare. Otherwise, it is not a 'real' codeshare, even if the [Flight Notes] section states "OPERATED BY ______".

  • Q 46: How can I tell if a particular Fare is fully-refundable?
  • Q: The Fare Rules for a particular Fare do not mention anything about refunds. Is this Fare refundable?
  • A: All published Fares are fully refundable by default, unless a specific penalty is mentioned in the Penalties and/or Voluntary Refunds sections of the Fare Rules.

  • Q 47: I am getting "This Program Might Not Have Installed Correctly" warning message after installing/updating the KVS Tool on Windows Vista/7/8. What should I do?
  • A: Please ignore this erroneous Windows warning by selecting [This Program Installed Correctly].

  • Q 48: How can I determine which Booking Class needs to be used for a particular Fare?
  • A: For virtually all published Fares, the Booking Class is typically the 1st letter of the Fare Basis Code (e.g. if Fare Basis Code is YFARB1GB, then the Booking Class is Y.
    • For xUP Fares, use the [Routing Rules] option to determine the required Booking Class.
    • For interline itineraries (e.g. a SQ Fare Basis with a AF-marketed flight), the Booking Class will be different -- use the [Interline Booking Classes] Lookup option and review the [Fare Rules].
    • For RTW & other special Circle Fares, refer to the Fare Rules.
    • For private/consolidator Fares, consult the corresponding Fare Terms Sheet.

  • Q 50: Why does the KVS Tool open Microsoft Word, Notepad, or another application when I try to open an external web link?
  • A: You need to make sure that you have .htm files associated with a web browser in your system:

    Click the purple [Tools] button at the top of the KVS Tool, then click [External Web Browser], select [Change System Default], then select your preferred web browser from the list and ensure that [Use This App For All .htm Files] option is on.

  • Q 51: Why am I being prompted to solve a CAPTCHA when using the KVS Tool?
  • A: KVS Tool does not use CAPTCHAs, however some Engines may occasionally request CAPTCHA verification.

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